Aug 2, 2024

Two-day film shoot at the Gold Coast…

Friday, 2nd August 2024

Last weekend, I shot a short film I’d written with a friend at an incredible Gold Coast motel. It was a project designed to be achievable on a small budget, yet one that would be both entertaining and innovating.

Kiana Scrase, my co-director, co-writer and co-actor developed an idea I’d had into a wonderful script which was designed to be shot in one, 7-minute take. This was crucial to the core of the story and took much choreographing of cast and crew and set to achieve. After a one-day rehearsal, we managed to pull it off and I’m very proud of the results.

Our Director of Photography, Callum Moore did an incredible job and had insisted upon us using an Atlas Orion anamorphic lens which turned out spectacularly. I cannot give out many more details of the story but all I can say is the results are infinitely greater than expected and I cannot wait to enter the film into the festival circuit.

Further details of cast, crew and project are below.